A sample HTML page, with CSS


You can see underlying HTML by right-clicking in the browser window and choosing View source. We’ve included some comments that you may find useful. Depending on your browser, you may be able to click on the link to the CSS (the link element inside the head) to open the CSS, or you can open it directly at http://dev.obdurodon.org/~djb/style.css

This section illustrates paragraphs, with some regular and strong emphasis

This is a paragraph with regular emphasis.

This is another paragraph, this time with strong emphasis.

This section illustrates lists

  1. This is the first item in a numbered list.
  2. And this is the second.

This section illustrates tables and links

Linnean name Common name Continent Image
Elephas maximus Asian elephant Asia [Iimage of Asian elephant]
Loxodonta africana African bush elephant Africa [Image of African bush elephant]
Loxodonta cyclotis African forest elephant Africa [Image of Asian forest elephant]